Scripps Pier - La Jolla

Scripps Pier - La Jolla

8610 Charles F, Kennel Way, La Jolla, CA 92037

Ahhh, our favorite family beach. We absolutely love this iconic San Diego spot. The warm breezes, the gentle waves, and the beautiful pier scream San Diego sunshine to us. Now, let’s talk about getting to your session!

We typically just type in “Caroline’s Seaside Cafe by Giuseppe” into our fave map app, since that brings you closest to our meeting spot. Click Here For Directions.

Parking can be a little bit difficult here so we suggest you leave plenty of time. You can pay to park in the lot next to Caroline’s seaside cafe at the intersection of El Paseo Grande and Kennel Way. Just be sure to be mindful of the post parking regulations as it is college parking lot and sometimes is only open to students. Another option is to park on El Paseo Grande and walk over to parking lot.

Now that you are there, lets meet up at the entrance to the parking lot right before Caroline’s. That way we can walk over together!

Jenny’s Cell: (858) 444-0054

Christine’s Cell: (224) 388-8081