When Dayna contacted us for their annual family photos, I was super excited because I know that little Ellie is just so much fun to work with. Her parents happen to be lovely people and good sports too!
When I asked Ellie who gives the best kisses, she whispered "Dad" much to mom's dismay! She was quick to show me how much she loves both mom and dad though, and spent a little extra time snuggling mom to make it up to her.
Dad and mom each took a turn racing Ellie up the trail, we danced, we snuggled, and then we took a little extra time to look for the bee that Ellie says flew up my sleeve. Lucky me, I think that was just imaginary.
Just as we were getting ready to leave this Mission Trails family photo session before we got locked in by the rangers, we snuck in one last pose as the sun dropped to that perfect golden light position. I asked Kevin to lean in and give mom a kiss on the forehead, and clearly not one to be left out, Ellie joined in on the action.