Mission Trails - Visitor Center Side

This spot is a beautiful choice for short walks with tree lined paths and mountain views in the distance. There are also great opportunities for shade by the visitor center itself. Depending on the time of year and time of day, bathrooms may be available as well.

We get that Mission Trails has a LOT of possible meeting locations so we will try to be as specific as possible with this. The Visitor Center is off of Mission Gorge and on the street Father Junipero. Now, be careful before Father Junipero does go through the park but only allows traffic one way for the majority of the road, so please do not assume you can start at one part of the park and end up at the other on this road. That may not be the case. It is best to come to the visitor center from Mission Gorge.

You can put in Mission Trails Visitor Center into your map system or click the link: https://goo.gl/maps/kq1FzDcKExpm37Yr9

Parking can be a little tricky here so give yourself time. Depending on the time of day and time of year, you may be able to park in the parking lot by the visitor center. You will access that park by turning left at the fist stop sign you hit once you are on Father Junipero from Mission Gorge. From the parking lot you should see the visitor center, if you don’t please call us to confirm you are at the right location. (If you see a campground you are not!) If no parking is available in the parking lot, or the signs say the lot will close before our session ends, then park on the Father Junipero. This may require patiences, so please allow for extra time.

Text us when you get parked and we can find each other. We typically meet at the bottom of the hill that leads up to the visitor center right near the stop sign.

If you are meeting with Christine text (224)388-8081 or for Jenny (858)444-0054.


Mission Trails - Equestrian Side

We love this part of Mission Trails. It has such beautiful fields and mountain views and is a quick walk with easy parking.

This one we call the Equestrian side because there is a small horse stable there. So to get here we recommend you search”Equestrian Circle Trailhead” or “, Equestrian Cir, Santee, CA 92071” or click here https://goo.gl/maps/FbXaUN54rc5xFPT98

When you enter into the park, you pass a parking lot on the left, do not park there. Wait until you see a dirt entrance on the right, it will be right past the new ranger station. We will meet you in this lot! This one has ample parking.

If you are meeting with Christine text (224)388-8081 or for Jenny (858)444-0054.

Mission Trails - Campground and Dam Side

We love this part of Mission Trails. It has such beautiful fields and mountain views and is a quick walk with easy parking.

First things first, how do you get here? You will want to navigate to Mission Trails via Mission Gorge for this side. There is only one entrance in and its off Mission Gorge and Father Junipero at the edge of Santee (think near the intersection of Mission Gorge and West Hills Parkway if you are referencing it on a map). For this one, I use “Kumeyaay Lake Campground” as the google maps directions or you can click here: https://goo.gl/maps/NG2QhFs9hom1Vih1A

As you enter Mission Trails, you will hit a stop sign, turn left and then an immediate right into the parking lot. This is the easiest parking, however, it might require that you walk down the road a bit to meet up with us. If we are meeting at the Dam, don’t park here. The other parking option, is to park on Father Junipero.

  • If we are meeting you at the Dam, then drive all the way until the street dead ends and then you will see a VERY small lot. You may get lucky and find parking there, but if not, just turn around and park on the street as close as possible.

  • If we are meeting you elsewhere, park on the street or the parking lot. Text us and let us know where you are and we can come find you.

Things to be aware of, you may end up walking a bit to the location (about 5 minutes) so make sure you have comfortable shoes to wear for the walk (you can change out of them on location) or be comfortable in the shoes you are wearing.

If you are meeting with Christine text (224)388-8081 or for Jenny (858)444-0054.

Mission Trails - Jackson Lot

This is a fun spot of Mission Trails that is normally a little bit quieter than the rest of the park. It had mountain views and some tree lined paths as well as a wooden small bridge.

Now how do you get here? This one is one of the easier locations to find. The parking lot is at the intersection of Jackson Drive and Mission Gorge. You can google the store across the street named “Mission Trails Wine and Spirits” or click here: https://goo.gl/maps/qW58eLCLWqx5eegG7 The directions will bring you across the street from the parking lot. The parking lot is right off Mission Gorge where Jackson Drive dead ends.

Park in the parking lot and send us a message. We will meet you in the parking lot.

If you are meeting with Christine text (224)388-8081 or for Jenny (858)444-0054.